Alert – Watch the Other Hand

While the Senate is battling over financial reform, the House is moving along on the Progressive agenda to bring our great Republic to it’s knees. HR 2499 is a non-binding resolution in the House of Representatives that would allow Puerto Rico to decide if it wants to become a state in a two stage voting […]

I have not yet begun to fight

“I have not yet begun to fight.”  That phrase was uttered by American naval hero John Paul Jones as his ship was engaged in a battle with an English warship.  Jones eventually lost his ship, but captures that warship that had asked if he was ready to strike his colors, ie, to lower his ensign […]

Healthcare Showdown Code Red

We are coming down to the final few moments whether Obama’s Socialized Healthcare plan is passed/forced upon us.   Who knows what corruption, parliamentary tricks, and bribes will be used to ram this overreaching and nation destroying bill down our throats. We need to mobilize to convince our legislators that the Democrat’s healthcare bill will harm […]

Cantor & LaCivita, Strange Bedfellows Leading Double Lives

It’s interesting how people will defend Chris LaCivita because he worked on the Cuccinelli Campaign. They say because he worker for Ken, LaCivita is a strong conservative. Yet it turns out that he has also worked as a consultant on the primary campaign of the liberal Republican candidate Jeff McWaters who it seems likes the […]

Tom Perriello A Maverick?

As of late Congressman Perriello has been portrayed as a maverick who is voting his conscience no matter what the consequences. He is constantly saying that he is not in Washington to get reelected but is there to do a job. One item that he seemed to miss in his job description is the part […]

Victory or Death

I don’t always agree with Newt Gingrich but this speech is worth listening to.

Rutherford Institute Petitions Perriello to Move Office

Press Release from the Rutherford Institute 12/10/2009 Rutherford Institute Urges Congressman Perriello to Relocate Offices to Accommodate Constituents’ First Amendment Rights CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.– In a letter to Congressman Tom Perriello, John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute, has voiced the concern that the location of Perriello’s Charlottesville office is interfering with his constituents’ First […]

Warner and Webb Betray Virginians

Upon contacting Senator Webb’s office on Friday I was told that the Senator had not decided on a course of action concerning the Health Care cloture vote. They asked for my feedback and then thanked me for my concern. I do not believe for a second that Webb told the truth to his staff, I […]

RINO or Democrat What’s the Difference?

There are two views when it comes to nominating Republican candidates; one side says we need to nominate middle of the road candidates in order to attract independents, the other side says we need truly conservative candidates in order to keep the votes and get our country back to its’ founding principles. I agree with […]

Jail Time For Citizens

I am beginning to wonder what country we live in, our government now threatens to throw us in jail for not purchasing a product. Have I been transported back in time to the USSR? Are we as citizens going to put up with this tyranny that is being imposed upon us by the likes of […]